Spiritual Maturity

“Spiritual maturity is not a level of growth Christians achieve, but the passion to press on in Christ.” - J Oswald

Practicals of Budgeting

The best budget is the one you can follow. Whatever methodology you decide, certain biblical principles should be followed...

Stewardship - A Tool for Generosity

Stewardship is a gift for God to help his people manage the money He has given us. Are you a part of the quarter of Americans who couldn’t afford an emergency expense greater than $400? Or would you have to borrow the money volunteering yourself...

Discipleship (Lordship)

When speaking on and teaching others about what it means to make Jesus Lord, a commonly referenced scripture is Luke 14: 25-27. Jesus clearly states that He has to be #1 in the lives of his disciples with no rivals to his throne. His language is...

A Discourse on Friendship

Evaluate your relationships and decide what degree of influence you want people to have in your life. However, whether someone is an acquaintance, working friend, or a lifelong friend, love them all Christ calls us to. If you want a deeper...

The Engineer's Guide To God

I want the facts. I want them quickly, concisely and logically expressed. I don't want a lot of fluff in between. Don't waste my time with a lot of symbolism and allegory, and don't bore me with cute stories or emotional testimony. Just give me...